The New IOT Security Act Shows the Limits of Congressional Policymaking for Cybersecurity

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On Dec. 4, President Trump signed H.R. 1668. Although styled the “Internet of Things Cybersecurity Improvement Act of 2020,” the new law could just as well be called the Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosures Act of 2020. It includes a vulnerability disclosure mandate that reaches beyond Internet of Things (IOT) devices to any information system owned or controlled by a federal agency and to the contractors and subcontractors providing such information systems.

On its surface, the law represents an important congressional effort to address an area of notorious insecurity. However, as its history and text show, the legislation is more of a ratification of measures already underway or completed. Its passage, unanimous in both chambers, illustrates the limitations of congressional action on cybersecurity. Nevertheless, the act gives Congress important oversight leverage to push for robust implementation of both IOT security and vulnerability disclosure. And it should be taken by the incoming Biden administration as a foundation for further executive branch action.

First, the IOT part. Section 4 of the act requires the director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to adopt standards and guidelines for IOT devices owned or controlled by an agency. The exact language is a little indirect. It does not require standards or guidelines for the devices themselves but, rather, “standards and guidelines for the Federal Government on the appropriate use and management by agencies” of IOT devices, “including minimum information security requirements for managing cybersecurity risks associated with such devices.” That seems to put the responsibility for security on the government, not the device manufacturers.

When Sen. Mark Warner first introduced an IOT security bill in 2017, he took a very different approach. His initial foray would have required, in any contract for federal acquisition of IOT devices, clauses requiring contractors to certify that their devices did not contain any known security vulnerabilities or defects; that their software or firmware components were capable of accepting properly authenticated and trusted updates from the vendor; that they used only nondeprecated industry-standard protocols and technologies for key functions; and that they did not include any fixed or hard-coded credentials used for remote administration, the delivery of updates, or communication. Exceptions and waivers were available and the bill would have allowed for use of alternate conditions to mitigate risks of noncompliant devices, but the bill was striking in its prescriptiveness.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce was opposed. Its lengthy critique sounded all the concerns about tech regulation: “mandating standards, guidance, and best practices shunts entities’ resources away from effective risk-based cybersecurity measures,” “likely to become outmoded quickly,” “[r]ed tape could readily quash business inventiveness.” The bill went nowhere—not even receiving a hearing—in yet another manifestation of Congress’s consistent reluctance to regulate the private sector with respect to cybersecurity, even when it comes to the design of devices that will be used in government networks.

When Warner reintroduced the bill in 2019, its provisions for IOT devices were close to those eventually enacted. They focused not on the devices themselves but on the federal government’s use and management of IOT devices. Meanwhile, the executive branch had been pushing forward on IOT security, outpacing Congress—another familiar pattern. For example, the Cybersecurity Enhancement Act (CEA) of 2014 required NIST to develop a cybersecurity framework for critical infrastructure, but President Obama had already directed NIST to do so in Executive Order 13636, signed in February 2013. The NIST framework was issued in February 2014, 10 months before the December 2014 enactment of the CEA’s mandate.

In 2018, while Warner’s first bill languished, NIST released its “Botnet Road Map,” with a detailed work plan for IOT security, including a set of tasks specifically designed to establish “a widely adopted security capability baseline for federal IoT products.” This was followed in September 2018 by a draft publication, “Considerations for Managing Internet of Things (IoT) Cybersecurity and Privacy Risks.” That was finalized as NISTIR 8228 in June 2019, not long after the March reintroduction of the bill. Thereafter the pace of NIST action accelerated, with the May 2020 publication of recommendations for IOT device manufacturers and a Core Device Cybersecurity Capability Baseline, followed by the June 2020 issuance of a federal profile of the Core Baseline.

As urged by the Chamber of Commerce and other industry associations, these NIST products were developed by a consultative process. There’s a lot to be said for consultative processes, and risk mitigation must inform any cybersecurity effort, but NIST’s commitment to collaboration almost certainly pushed its outputs away from specific technical fixes and toward generalities and flexibility. (The history, including a hat-tip to the trade associations for their “encouragement” of the process, is laid out in a blog by the program manager for NIST’s IOT cybersecurity program.)

Whether the new law spurs NIST development of heightened standards remains to be seen. As enacted, the IOT security bill requires the director of NIST to ensure that the standards and guidelines developed under the new law are consistent with these prior efforts. A cynic might read this not as a prod to NIST’s efforts but as a limit against going beyond what can survive an industry-influenced approach. Similarly, the new law’s requirement that the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) review agency information-security policies and principles for “consistency” with the NIST IOT guidelines and standards can be read as establishing them as a floor—or as a ceiling. A lot depends on whether the Biden administration’s NIST is as deferential to the Chamber of Commerce and other industry associations as the Trump administration was. There must be ways in which NIST could be a lot more prescriptive in its IOT work without impeding innovation.

Another section of the new law requires OMB, by December 2022, to develop and oversee the implementation of policies, principles, standards or guidelines as may be necessary to address security vulnerabilities of federal information systems. But OMB is already doing that, at least since 2002 under 40 U.S.C. § 1133, as further fleshed out in 44 U.S.C. § 3553 (added by the Federal Information Security Modernization Act of 2014), and Executive Order 13800, Strengthening the Cybersecurity of Federal Networks and Critical Infrastructure,” issue


Read the original article: The New IOT Security Act Shows the Limits of Congressional Policymaking for Cybersecurity