When ChatGPT was first released to the public, several corporate titans, from Apple to Verizon, made headlines when they announced bans on the use of this software at work shortly after it was introduced. However, a recent study confirms that those companies are not anomalous.
It has recently been reported that more than 1 in 4 companies have banned the use of generative artificial intelligence tools at work at some point in time, based on a Cisco survey conducted last summer among 2,600 privacy and security professionals.
According to the survey, 63% of respondents said that they limit the amount of data employees can enter into these systems, and 61% said that they restrict which generative AI tools employees can use within their organizations. Approximately one-quarter of companies have banned their employees from using generative artificial intelligence, according to a new Cisco survey.
Based on the annual Data Privacy Benchmark Study, conducted by the firm, a survey of 2,600 privacy and security professionals across 12 countries, two-thirds of those surveyed impose restrictions on the types of information that can be entered into LLM-based systems, as well as prohibiting specific applications from being used.
According to Robert Waitman, director of Cisco’s Privacy Ce
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