The Use of Biometrics as a Cybersecurity Method

Introduction to Biometrics

Biometrics measures and analyses an individual’s physical and behavioral characteristics. It is a technology used for proper identification and access control of people under surveillance. The theory of biometric authentication is that everybody can be accurately identified by intrinsic physical or behavioral traits. The word biometrics is derived from the Greek words bio, meaning life, and metric, meaning to measure.

Biometric identifiers are unique and measurable characteristics used to label and describe individuals. They are often classified as physiological characteristics related to the body’s shape. Examples include but are not limited to, fingerprints, palm veins, face recognition, DNA, and iris recognition. Behavioral characteristics involve a person’s behavior pattern, such as a mouse’s movement, typing rhythm, gait, signature, and credentials. Some researchers have coined the term behavior metrics to describe biometrics in behavioral patterns.

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