Security experts are raising the alarm after hackers were detected using a recently identified vulnerability in a well-known file transfer tool that is used by thousands of organisations to start a new wave of massive data exfiltration assaults.
The flaw affects Progress Software’s MOVEit Transfer managed file transfer (MFT) software, which enables businesses to transmit huge files and datasets over the internet. Ipswitch is a subsidiary of Progress Software.
Last week on Wednesday, Progress acknowledged that it had found a vulnerability in MOVEit Transfer that “could lead to escalated privileges and potential unauthorised access to the environment,” and it advised customers to turn off internet traffic to their MOVEit Transfer environments.
All consumers are being urged to promptly apply patches that are now accessible by Progress.
The U.S. cybersecurity agency CI
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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents
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