Three Commonly Neglected Attack Vectors in Cloud Security


As per a 2022 Thales Cloud Security research, 88% of companies keep a considerable amount (at least 21% of sensitive data) in the cloud. That comes as no surprise. According to the same survey, 45% of organisations have had a data breach or failed an audit involving cloud-based data and apps. This is less surprising and positive news. 
The majority of cloud computing security issues are caused by humans. They make easily avoidable blunders that cost businesses millions of dollars in lost revenue and negative PR. Most don’t obtain the training they need to recognise and deal with constantly evolving threats, attack vectors, and attack methods. Enterprises cannot avoid this instruction while maintaining control over their cloud security.
Attacks from the side channels
Side-channel attacks in cloud computing can collect sensitive data from virtual machines that share the same physical server as other VMs and activities. A side-channel attack infers sensitive information about a system by using information gathered from the physical surroundings, such as power usage, electromagnetic radiation, or sound. An attacker, for example, could use statistics on power consumption to deduce the cryptographic keys used to encrypt data in a neighbouring virtual machine.  
Side-channel at

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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