Three Major Issues Family Offices Face With Private Market Data


Simply accumulating more data in a family office does not directly translate into better decision-making. Without the necessary tools and mechanisms in place to process this information, it might have the opposite effect. It’s no secret that many family offices continue to use Excel for a number of essential activities, including managing their private market investments. 

However, at a certain level, this simply becomes untenable. Private market investments are complex, dependent on a variety of various inputs, and when the data management workflow requires a lot of manual adjustments to work, it will be comparatively fragile.

To illustrate this, we look at three major issues that family offices often face while managing private market portfolios. Then we will demonstrate how best practices and specific tools can help you manage this data more effectively. 

Inconsistent fund reporting 

Private market investing requires dealing with a wide range of underlying as

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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