Top 5 Notable Cyberattacks in Modern Warfare


Warfare is no longer restricted to traditional battlefields; in the digital age, cyberspace has emerged as a new arena of conflict. Nations now engage in cyber battles using lines of code and advanced malware instead of conventional weapons.

A recent incident in May highlighted this shift when around 270,000 payroll records of the UK’s armed forces were compromised in a data breach. While the UK government did not explicitly name a culprit, several ministers suggested China as the likely perpetrator. The Chinese government has denied any involvement.

This incident is just one in a series of cyberattacks targeting governments, their institutions, and personnel. Here are five notable examples:

  • Stuxnet, 2010: Stuxnet was the first major cyberweapon known to the world. This sophisticated worm, which replicates itself to spread across computer networks, specifically targeted Iran’s nuclear program. Unlike typical malware, Stuxnet was designed to infiltrate

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    This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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