Using your electronics while travelling is extremely risky, regardless of when you go or why. The risk to your privacy and problems with online safety when travelling are the two things that will ruin a vacation the quickest. Despite your best efforts, will you actually be able to disconnect while you’re on the road? It’s likely that you scroll while at the airport or login to your work email while you’re flying, post on social media, or both. You can easily jeopardise your credentials and privacy if you’re not careful. Take into consideration these tips for traveller’s internet safety.
Be wary of free wifi
Although it may be alluring to connect to the free Wi-Fi at your preferred restaurant, hotel, or airport, doing so gives hackers access to your computer while you’re utilising a shared network. Any information from your internet activity, including credit card numbers, email addresses, login credentials, and images, can be accessed by a hacker playing the man in the middle in this precarious situation.
Also, it gives threat actors a way to spread malware on your machine. When a hacker has access to
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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents
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