Trojanized Windows 10 Installer Utilized in Cyberattacks Against Ukrainian Government Entities


Ukraine’s government has been compromised as part of a new campaign that used trojanized versions of Windows 10 installer files to conduct post-exploitation activities. The malicious ISO files were distributed via Ukrainian and Russian-language Torrent websites, according to Mandiant, which discovered the “socially engineered supply chain” attack around mid-July 2022. The threat cluster is identified as UNC4166. 
“Upon installation of the compromised software, the malware gathers information on the compromised system and exfiltrates it,” the cybersecurity company said in a technical deep dive published Thursday.
Even though the origin of the adversarial collective is unknown, the disruptions are said to have targeted organisations that had previously been victims of disruptive wiper attacks blamed on APT28, a Russian state-sponsored actor. According to the Google-owned threat intelligence firm, the ISO file was designed to disable telemetry data transmission from the infected computer to Microsoft, install PowerShell backdoors, and block automatic updates and licence verification.
The main objective of the operation appears to have been data gathering, with additional implants deployed to the machines only after an initial reconnaissance of the vulnerable environment to determine if it contained valuable intelligence.

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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