Turning The Screws: Pressure Techniques Used by Ransomware Outfits


Over the past ten years, ransomware attacks have increased in frequency and sophistication. While exploits like social engineering and unpatched software may help with an initial breach, it’s the coercive tactics that force victims to make rash and emotionally charged decisions, like paying the ransom. 

Below are three of the most common tactics used by ransomware perpetrators to persuade victims into complying with their extortion demands.

1. Fear and humiliation 

Fear is a potent emotion that threat actors use. When a victim’s documents are encrypted, the message is usually clear: pay the ransom or lose your data forever. In addition to the fear of data loss, cybercriminals use the threat of humiliation to demand ransom in order to prevent the disclosure of sensitive information such as company files, financial data, or personal images. 

Cybercriminals sometimes go one step further by threatening le

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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