U.S. Federal Employees Can Take A Stand for Digital Freedoms

It’s that time of the year again when the weather starts to cool down and the leaves start to turn all different shades and colors. More importantly, it is also time for U.S. federal employees to pledge their support for digital freedoms through the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC)!

The pledge period for the CFC is underway and EFF needs your help. Last year, U.S. federal employees raised over $34,000 for EFF through the CFC, helping us fight for free expression, privacy, and innovation on the internet so that we can help create a better digital future.

The Combined Federal Campaign is the world’s largest and most successful annual charity campaign for U.S. federal employees and retirees. Since its inception in 1961, the CFC fundraiser has raised more than $8.6 billion for local, national, and international charities. This year’s campaign runs from September 1 to January 14, 2023. Be sure to make your pledge for the Electronic Frontier Foundation before the campaign ends!

U.S. federal employees and retirees can give to EFF by going to GiveCFC.org and clicking the DONATE button to give via payroll deduction, credit/debit, or an e-check! If you have a renewing pledge, you can increase your support as well. Be sure to use EFF’s CFC ID #10437. Scan the QR code below to easily make a pledge!

This year’s CFC campaign theme continues to build off of 2020’s “You Can Be The Face of Change.” U.S. federal employees and retirees give through the CFC to change the world for the better, together. With your support, EFF can continue our strides towards a diverse, and free internet that benefits all of its users.

With support from those who pledged EFF last year we have: rang alarm bells about a police equipment vendor’s now-thwarted plan to arm drones with tasers in response to school shootings, pushed back against This article has been indexed from Deeplinks

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