U.S. Treasury Sanctions Eight Foreign-Based Agents and North Korean Kimsuky Attackers


“The Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) of the US Department of Treasury recently announced that it has sanctioned the cyberespionage group Kimsuky, also known as APT43, for gathering intelligence on behalf of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK). 

Sanctions imposed by the United States are technically in response for a North Korean military reconnaissance satellite launch on Nov. 21, but they are also intended to deprive the DPRK of revenue, materials, and intelligence needed to sustain its weapons of mass destruction development programme, according to the Treasury’s sanctions announcement. 

The Lazarus Group and its subsidiaries Andariel and BlueNoroff were subject to similar sanctions by the OFAC in September 2019—more than four years ago. Kimsuky is the target of these sanctions as it gathers intelligence to support the regime’s strategic goals. 

Kimsuky is a well-known cyber espionage group that primarily targets governments, nuclear organisations, and foreign relations entities in order to gather intelligence that serves North Korea’s interests. It is also known by the names APT43,

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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