Ukraine Hacks ATMs Across Russia in Massive Cyberattack

On July 23, 2024, a massive cyberattack launched by Ukrainian hackers targeted Russian financial institutions, disrupting ATM services across the country. According to a source within Ukrainian intelligence, the attack is “gaining momentum” as it continues to cripple banking services.

By July 27, the fifth day of the cyberattack, customers of several prominent Russian banks found themselves unable to withdraw cash. When attempting to use ATMs, their debit and credit cards were immediately blocked, leaving them stranded without access to their funds. 

The intelligence source, who provided written comments to the Kyiv Post, indicated that the attack had affected numerous banks, including Dom.RF, VTB Bank, Alfa-Bank, Sberbank, Raiffeisen Bank, RSHB Bank, Rosbank, Gazprombank, Tinkoff Bank, and iBank.

The widespread disruption has caused significant inconvenience for customers and highlighted vulnerabilities within Russia’s financial infrastructure. The source in Ukrainian intelligence mocked the situation, suggesting that the Kremlin’s long-desired “import substitution” might now include reverting to wooden abacuses, paper savings books, and cave paintings for accounting. 

This remark underscores the scale of the disruption and the potential for outdated methods to replace modern financial technologies temporarily.

The cyberattack represents a significant escalation in the ongoing cyber conflict between Ukraine and Russia. While cyberattacks have been frequent

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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