UK’s Nuclear Submarine Base Faces Unprecedented Threats: Russia Implicated in Shocking Incidents


A Russian-linked group of hackers, which has reportedly obtained hundreds of pages of information about critical sites such as HMNB Clyde, which houses the UK’s nuclear weapons arsenal, is believed to have targeted the nuclear weapons arsenal at the naval base.
As reported by the news report, LockBit, a notorious ransomware group claimed to have stolen thousands of documents containing sensitive and highly sensitive national security information, along with information about high-security prisons, in the raid. 
The Sunday Mirror reported that there was another high-security target – a GCHQ listening post and the Porton Down chemical weapons lab – that was also targeted. There were 60 incidents reported to the Clyde Naval Base in 2022, up from 16 in 2021, which is an increase of 275% in one year from 16 incidents reported to the base in 2021. 
Threat actors aligned with the Russian government have reportedly carried out attacks against the UK’s Ministry of Defence (MoD) and made stolen information available on military and intelligence websites online. 
The Mirror reports that several UK locations, including a nuclear submarine base, a chemical weapons lab, and a listening post for GCHQ have been targeted by hackers who are targeting the database of Z

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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