UN Report: Telegram joins the expanding cybercrime markets in Southeast Asia


According to a report issued by the United Nations Office for Drugs and Crime, dated October 7, criminal networks across Southeast Asia are increasingly turning to the messaging platform Telegram for conducting comprehensive illegal activities. It says Telegram, due to big channels and seemingly insufficient moderation, becomes the attraction of the underworld for organised crime and its resultant transformation in the ways of operating global illicit operations.

An Open Market for Stolen Data and Cybercrime Tools

The UNODC report clearly illustrates how Telegram has become a trading platform for hacked personal data, including credit card numbers, passwords, and browser histories. Cybercriminals publicly trade on the large channels of Telegram with very little interference. In addition, it has various software and tools designed to conduct cybercrime such as fraud using deepfake technology and malware used for copying and collecting users’ data. Moreover, money laundering services are provided in unauthorised cryptocurrency exchanges through Telegram.

An example was an ad to be placed on Telegram stating that it was moving USDT cryptocurrency, stolen and with $3 million daily transactions, to cash in on criminal organisations involved in transnational organised crime in Southeast Asia. According to reports, these dark markets are growing increasingly omnipresent on Telegram through which vendors aggressively look to reach criminal organisations in the region.

Southeast Asia: A hub of fraud and exploitation

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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