Understanding Blagging in Cybersecurity: Tactics and Implications


Blagging might sound intricate, resembling an elaborate hacking maneuver, yet it is remarkably simpler. Despite its less “high-tech” nature compared to other cybercrimes, blagging can inflict significant harm if businesses are unprepared.
Blagging involves crafty fraudsters attempting to deceive or manipulate individuals into divulging confidential information that should remain off-limits.
These blaggers fabricate convincing stories to coax their targets into revealing data that could fuel illicit activities like identity theft, corporate espionage, or extortion.
So, how does blagging work precisely? Here are some typical blagging tactics:
1. Impersonation: The perpetrator pretends to be someone else, such as a colleague, bank representative, or law enforcement officer. This engenders trust and raises the likelihood of the target sharing confidential information. For instance, they might make a call posing as an IT specialist needing a password to rectify a computer issue.
2. Fabricating Urgency: The scammer employs pressure by framing the request as time-critical. Threats to close accounts or initiate legal action are utilized to extract information swiftly, leaving the target with insufficien

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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