Zambia has exposed a sophisticated Chinese cybercrime syndicate that preyed on unsuspecting victims across the globe. The operation, which unfolded during a multi-agency raid, led to the apprehension of 77 individuals, including 22 Chinese nationals.
This case sheds light on the intricate web of cybercriminal activities and underscores the importance of international cooperation in combating fraud.
The Deceptive Web
The story begins with a seemingly innocuous Chinese-run company named “Golden Top Support Services.” Operating in Zambia, this company had recruited young Zambians, aged between 20 and 25, under the guise of call center agents.
However, their actual task was far from ordinary. These recruits engaged in scripted conversations with mobile users across various platforms, including WhatsApp, Telegram, and chatrooms. Their mission? To deceive unsuspecting victims.
The Sim Box Connection
During the raid, authorities seized several crucial pieces of evidence. The most intriguing find was a collection of “Sim boxes.” These seemingly innocuous devices can route calls in a way that bypasses legitimate phone netw
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