Unveiling Storm-1152: A Top Creator of Fake Microsoft Accounts


The Digital Crimes Unit of Microsoft disrupted a major supplier of cybercrime-as-a-service (CaaS) last week, dubbed Storm-1152. The attackers had registered over 750 million fake Microsoft accounts, which they planned to sell online to other cybercriminals, making millions of dollars in the process.

“Storm-1152 runs illicit websites and social media pages, selling fraudulent Microsoft accounts and tools to bypass identity verification software across well-known technology platforms,” Amy Hogan-Burney, general manager for Microsoft’s DCU, stated . “These services reduce the time and effort needed for criminals to conduct a host of criminal and abusive behaviors online.” 

Cybercriminals can employ fraudulent accounts linked to fictitious profiles as a virtually anonymous starting point for automated illegal operations including ransomware, phishing, spamming, and other fraud and abuse. Furthermore, Storm-1152 is the industry leader in the development of fictitious accounts, offering account services to numerous prominent cyber threat actors. 

Microsoft lists Scattered Spider (also known as Oc

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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