After taking ChatGPT offline on Monday, OpenAI has revealed additional information, including the possibility that some users’ financial information may have been compromised.
A redis-py bug, which led to a caching problem, caused certain active users to potentially see the last four numbers and expiration date of another user’s credit card, along with their first and last name, email address, and payment address, the business claims in a post. Users might have also viewed tidbits of other people’s communication histories.
It’s not the first time that cache problems have allowed users to view each other’s data; in a famous instance, on Christmas Day in 2015, Steam users were sent pages containing data from other users’ accounts. It is quite ironic that OpenAI devotes a lot of attention and research to determining the potential security and safety repercussions of its AI, yet it was taken by surprise by a fairly well-known security flaw.
The firm claimed that 1.2 percent of ChatGPT Plus subscribers who used the service on March 20 be
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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents
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