On January 5, WhatsApp revealed a new feature that enables users to connect via proxy servers so they may continue using the service even when the internet is restricted or disrupted by shutdowns.
Concept of Whatsapp proxy
When selecting a proxy, users can connect to WhatsApp via servers run by individuals and groups devoted to promoting free speech throughout the world. According to WhatsApp, using a proxy connection preserves the app’s privacy and security settings, and end-to-end encryption will continue to secure private conversations. As per the firm, neither the proxy servers, WhatsApp, nor Meta will be able to see the communications that are sent between them.
When it comes to assisting users when WhatsApp is prohibited in a country, the messaging service stated, “If WhatsApp is restricted in your nation, you can utilize a proxy to connect and communicate with loved ones. End-to-end encryption will still be used to protect private communications while using a proxy connection to WhatsApp.”
In accordance with the new rules, internet service providers had to remove anything that law enforcement regarded to be illegal and cooperate with police investigations, which included locating the authors of malicious materials.WhatsApp countered this claim by saying that it will continue to secure users’ private messages and would not compromise their security for any government.
According to Juras Jurnas of the proxy and online data collecting company Oxylabs, “For persons with go
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