WindowServer: The privilege chameleon on macOS (Part 1)

When talking about Apple Graphics, the WindowServer component should not be neglected. Rencently KeenLab has been talking about Apple graphics IOKit components at POC 2015 β€œOS X Kernel is As Strong as its Weakest Partβ€œ, CanSecWest 2016 β€œDon’t Trust Your Eye: Apple Graphics Is Compromised!β€œ, and RECon 2016 β€œShooting the OS X El Capitan Kernel Like a Sniperβ€œ, however the userland part is seldomly mentioned in public.

This week Pwnie announced bug nominations for 2016, where the windowserver bug CVE-2016-1804 is listed , it made me think of writing something. But when I started writing, I realized it is a long story. Then I realized a long story can be cut into short stories (I also realized my IQ is low recently which many of my colleagues have pointed out, due to extremely hot weather in Shanghai maybe, or not…)

So…I decided to split the whole story into 3. In part 1, I will mainly focus on the history of windowserver, basic concepts, architecture, CVE-2014-1314 (A design flaw which we used to take down OS X Mavericks at Pwn2Own 2014) and finally, details of the pwnie nomination bug: CVE-2016-1804, which we used to take down the latest OS X El Capitan remotely with a browser exploit and escalated to root privilege. However when I first discovered CVE-2016-1804 last year, it had been considered unexploitable, at least for 1 week. Part 1 then wrapped up here with questions/challenges.

Next week I will release part 2 for the partial exploitation by introducing an 0day which gave me inspiration of the successful exploitation of CVE-2016-1804. The last part: part 3, which is the most exciting part, is NOT a blog post, instead it will be discussed at Black Hat 2016 Briefings β€œSUBVERTING APPLE GRAPHICS: PRACTICAL APPROACHES TO REMOTELY GAINING ROOTβ€œ

Ok, now let’s start the short story:

This article has been indexed from Keen Security Lab Blog

Read the original article:

WindowServer: The privilege chameleon on macOS (Part 1)