Where is the Artificial Intelligence Headed?
Two words, ‘Artificial’ and ‘Intelligence’, together have been one of the most evident buzzwords that have been driving lives and preparing the world for the real ride ahead, and that of the world economy.
AI is becoming the omniscient, omnipresent modern-day entity that can solve any problem and find a solution to everything. While some are raising ethical concerns, it is clear that AI is here to stay and will drive the global economy. By 2030, China and the UK expect that 26% and 12% of their GDPs, respectively, will come from AI-related businesses and activities, and by 2035, AI is expected to increase India’s annual growth rate by 1.3 percentage points.
AI-powered Deepfakes Bare Fangs in 2023, Raising Concerns About its Influence over Privacy, Election Politics
Deepfakes are artificially generated media that have undergone digital manipulation to effectively swap out one person’s likeness for another. The alteration of facial features using deep-generating techniques is known as a “deepfake.” While the practice of fabricating information is not new, deepfakes use sophisticated AI and machine learning algorithms to edit or create visual and auditory content that is easier to convince.
According to the ‘2023 State of Deepfakes Report’ by ‘Home Security Heroes’ – a US-based cyber security service firm – deepfake videos have witnessed a 500% rise since 2019.
Numerous alarming incidents employing deepfake vi
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