With the Right Support, Developers Can Lead Your Organization to Superior PCI-DSS 4.0 Compliance

The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS) version 4.0 will change almost everything about security for any business or organization that accepts electronic payments, which is a vast majority of them. And make no mistake, this update will be transformative for most businesses, requiring them to upgrade many of their security processes and potentially roll out new protections regarding encryption, authentication, access control, key management, and other areas that they may have been slow to embrace before now.

Due to the complexity of the new requirements, organizations have been given until March 2025 to become fully compliant. But that deadline will arrive sooner than most people realize. In fact, many forward-thinking companies are taking steps right now to enable their developers to navigate the pending compliance landscape. 

This article has been indexed from DZone Security Zone

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